Audit & Expertise

A complete audit of your exisiting and future forensics capabilities

Wide int provides audits carried out by professionals specialized each in their field of expertise covering the whole forensics chain, which, to be effective, must be applied at all levels from the most basic to the laboratory

  1. Staff training : the audit on training makes it possible to define the needs to be implemented as part of initial and continuing training. Training allows to adapt the skills of employees to their workplace, to maintain their employability, to develop their skills for an optimal quality of work.
  2. Equipment : the audit allows to establish the needs for consumables and materials for findings but also for technical platforms and laboratories.
  3. The reporting of persons implicated : anthropometry is an elementary act of the judicial police. the audit covers staff training, equipment, existing files and the existence of legislative texts governing this act.
  4. Technical platforms : a technical platform is the first level of exploitation of clues collected. The audit covers the quality, equipment and training of staff.
  5. Laboratories : this audit focuses on an existing laboratory or on the project to create a forensic laboratory. The audit concerns several components, the field or the building, safety, quality, personnel, training, equipment, the real needs of the country, the political will to financially support the laboratory in the long term, certification and accreditation.
  6. Quality : at the international level, the outcome is resounding both in terms of the harmonization of intervention protocols on the various crime scenes, and on the methods to carry out good samples with materials, equipment, accessories, consumables that meet international standards, recognizedand validated methods of analysis and possibilities for exchanging scientific data. Our”quality” experts carry out an audit on existing technical platforms or laboratories but also on creative projects.
  7. Cybersecurity – Cybercrime : our experts in conduct audits on specific topics including Cyberspace, passwords, Wifi & USB, E-mails and safety rules.


These audits allows States to:

  • Assess the quality of their entire forensics chain
  • Control the commitment of people 
  • keep up to date with the latest innovations and stay at the forefront …

Expertise and resolution of cases

  • Scenarios : in the context of a judicial file requiring intervention or technical assistance at the scene of the case, for a situation or a judicial reconstitution, Wine Int propose to intervene all over the world, by the implementation of specific technical means, a realization of technical acts live at the request of the lawyer or a party with a procedural formalization. Our experts “Former Technicians in Criminal Investigation” are equipped with all the appropriate technical and scientific police equipment, thus being able to intervene on the entire spectrum of forensics.
  • Work on tortious or criminal cases : the landscape of criminal litigation is changing. The world of expertise is opening up internationally but also to the new reading grid that is essential in a modern and adapted strategy for forensic sciences. New standards and protocols, the informative power, the index value now make it possible to prioritize the indices and to place them in a general context of modern management of the crime scene in a quality approach. Especially for lawyers, precise repositories exist and are required nowadays. Scientific developments, combined with those of our law, must henceforth encourage the various parties to the criminal trial to take a fresh look at these subjects in order to better assess their indicial value and their informative power. Being able to raise particular points, adapted questions in the context of judicial investigation through requests for documents, but also to ask the right questions to the experts in the trial phase are essential imperatives for lawyers today. It is in this context that Wide Int’ offers adapted services covering the entire spectrum of forensic science as well as a real valuation for the benefit of law firms by the technical analysis of forensic files.
  • Travel of a team or an advisor on a complex case : at the request of a country, we can also transport ourselves directly to the scene of offences to provide our assistance and advice to the police and gendarmerie forces who request it (scene of attack, air, sea or land disaster, homicide etc …). Our consultants are all professionals with decades of experience in the police or gendarmerie.
  • Digital expertise : The exponential growth of digital objects is bringing more and more cases to court. Wide Int provides hardware, software and experts in this field. Thus, we are able to offer investigations on any medium, the recovery of files and the exploitation of criminal or criminal files relating to digital.

Other expertise in Investigative Forensics

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